Kingdom hearts 2.5 timeless river fire
Kingdom hearts 2.5 timeless river fire

Axel is made between walls of fire, a burning floor and Roxas dual-wields Keyblades out of nowhere. There's no real reason given as to why outside of some Five-Second Foreshadowing where Ansem says "anything could happen".

  • When Ansem's Kingdom Hearts encoder machine explodes, it changes Riku back to normal.
  • To say nothing of the confusing concept of a portal from the data version of Twilight Town leading not only into the real universe, but into an entirely different world. What really pushes it into this territory is that it's implicitly the same portal Axel used to enter Twilight Town in the prologue, meaning that this portal has remained open for days, possibly weeks, connecting the two worlds.
  • The heroes finally find a way to enter the Organization's stronghold world, The World That Never Was, via a dark portal in the datascape version of Twilight Town.
  • Thankfully, Xemnas's other forms more than make up for it, as does the data version of this battle in KHII Final Mix. It's not hard for a player who came in from Final Mix to this game to feel more than a bit let down.
  • The first Xemnas fight fought one on one with just Sora is considered by many to be a massive disappointment, as the fight plays out like an incredibly toned down version of the famously brutal Superboss he was in KHI Final Mix, but with a few select attacks removed and his aggressiveness turned way down.
  • And that's if you don't abuse the reaction command on the claymores that Saïx keeps throwing around, which does massive damage on his normal form and drops him out of Berserk immediately. In his normal form, he can be disarmed easily with a well-timed attack, guard, or reflect, and even in Berserk form, he only has a few attacks which are predictable and simple to avoid until he calms down, especially if you've been leveling up Final Form and can glide out of his way fast enough. However, fighting him is fairly straightforward, unlike with all the other members of Organization XIII, and his unique gimmick seems to only make him weak when he's not using it, rather than strong when he is. His presence in the story is menacing enough, as Xemnas's right-hand man and the last boss fight before him. In the meantime Ursula's shows of power with the trident during "Ursula's Revenge" amounts to just waving it back and forth as the heroes duck under the water to avoid it. For that matter, in-story Ursula loses when Sora lands a single Keyblade hit on her hand, sending Triton's trident flying into Eric's boat, and he hurls it through her torso. Aside from Atlantica's shift to being a Rhythm Game, "Ursula's Revenge" is the song that introduces the "mash the button when the prompt appears" mechanic, and the song gives more than enough of them to clear it with just them you can Button Mash your way to victory with no sense of rhythm of timing at all. The fight boils down to taking out his midsection's HP bar (during which time Jafar may not even be able to get an attack off), stunning and embarrassing him with his Reaction Command, then comboing his head without resistance.

    kingdom hearts 2.5 timeless river fire kingdom hearts 2.5 timeless river fire

    To make him look even more pathetic, said Reaction Command has Sora grab his genie tail, wrap him up in it, and spin him around to make him dizzy. Once it's beaten you can use a Reaction Command to stun Jafar even longer, giving you plenty of time to attack his head. Jafar can be briefly stunned by attacking his midsection, which has very low HP and doesn't even require a finisher to defeat. To start, Sora fights him on the magic carpet, which means you're alone and can't use Drive Forms, Limits, or Summons, so your only options are normal attacks and magic.

    kingdom hearts 2.5 timeless river fire

    Jafar puts up a pretty poor showing in his boss battle.Alternate Character Interpretation: "Oh, we do too have hearts! Don't be mad." Was Demyx lying in order to weasel out of fighting Sora and company or was he saying what he thought was the truth? Furthermore, was his temporary change in demeanor after Sora and Donald call him a liar due to him deciding to drop the charade or him entering a state of Tranquil Fury? While Demyx doesn't really have enough screen time in the games to make one interpretation more likely than the other, the manga adaptation goes with the latter interpretation in both cases.Adorkable: Vivi's awkward bumbling just makes him all the more endearing.

    Kingdom hearts 2.5 timeless river fire